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Let’s Get Started

Let’s take the pressure and stress out of your first visit.



Step Two

Submit your new guest appointment request profile so I can be fully prepared for our consultation.

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Step One

Get to know me through my About Me page. I want you to get to feel of who I am and where my skills lie.



Step Three

Arrive at the salon relaxed and confident, and walk away feeling like your best self. I can’t wait to meet!

If you have any questions about booking your first appointment with me, please see my FAQ.

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What To Expect

The Pre-Visit

You'll receive three emails from me  before your upcoming appointment. Each will include helpful information, including a link for my welcome packet for you to review ahead of your visit
your reservation, this will explain how to best prepare and what you can look forward as part of my clientele.


The Consultation

Through my innovative consultation process, you'll be 100 %  confident, relaxed and excited from start to finish. We will talk about your past, present and future hair goals to ensure we create a sustainable plan you absolutely love.  Even if you see me for root touch up, highlights or  haircut, I've got the perfect plan to ensure you look amazing between visits.  I will walk you to exactly what steps you'll need to take at home to execute the perfect style between appointments.

After Goodbye

Keep an eye on your inbox, because my clients enjoy free styling tutorials and pro- beauty tips, service specials, local events and more! directly through email.

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